Enough PaaS vs. IaaS: The cloud is really about Services as a Platform


For the last few weeks, an interesting and timely debate has been brewing among the technology press and various technology vendors and users about whether or not platform as a service, or PaaS, will survive as an independent cloud computing service category.

NetworkWorld’s Brandon Butler asked if “the PaaS market is dying as we know it”. Long-time cloud bloggers David Linthicum and Reuven Cohen concurred with Butler’s theory that PaaS was being absorbed into the IaaS and SaaS categories. This was met with counterarguments from EMC’s JP Morgenthal and Red Hat’s Krishnan Subramanian that PaaS is indeed a key service catagory.

I think this discussion is worth commenting on largely because it highlights the distinction between what services exist in the cloud and how those services are acquired. This is a common confusion, in part because the distinction is occasionally detrimental to various vendors’ attempts to differentiate themselves, and…

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W. Edwards Deming, beroemd Amerikaans statisticus, zei ooit “Het is niet nodig te veranderen. Overleven is niet verplicht.”  Deming was in de vorige eeuw grondlegger van Total Quality Management en wordt beschouwd als de meest invloedrijke persoon van niet-Japanse afkomst op het gebied van Japanse productie en industrie.  Hij overleed in 1993 en sindsdien gaat het ook een stuk minder met Japan. Continue reading → Continue Transformatie